Targeta Més Ripollet

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Targeta més Ripollet:

Ripollet’s local trade rewards your purchases!

La Targeta Més!, the Ripollet card, is a card for discounts, promotions and raffles for shops in the city. A single card full of advantages with which you will obtain discounts and points when you make your purchases in participating stores. By identifying yourself as a user of the Más Card, you will automatically participate in raffles and additional advantages to enjoy Ripollet, its cultural and family leisure offer.

How does the Targeta Més work?

For each purchase you make, you get a discount that accumulates on your card to use on future purchases at the same establishment. You can also get rewards in points that you can accumulate and redeem for products, services and gifts. Each trade sets the percentage and additional points. Consult the members and their rewards in the Establishments section of the App. 

The App:

With the Targeta Més application, the Ripollet card, you will be able to consult, locate or communicate with all the participating businesses, consult the percentages and/or additional points, know what the balance is in each establishment where you have bought and know promotions and the latest news about the Card.

Ripollet (Barcelona / Spain).
Apple Store App Link: Targeta més Ripollet
Google play App Link: Targeta més Ripollet

Contracted Moneder solutions:






2022 | Web desenvolupada per Javajan, experts en disseny i programació de webs, apps i botigues online.
Llicenciada per Moneder, experts en la sostenibilitat del comerç local.