Marketplace, the preferred online shopping option for Spaniards

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1 de juny de 2022
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Marketplace Moneder

New consumer habits show that users see Marketplaces as a point of sale with a wide variety of options, competitive prices and free shipping.

The growing evolution of e-commerce continues to advance by leaps and bounds and promises to continue to do so in the coming years. However, marketplaces are also coming on strong, doubling the growth of e-commerce for the second year in a row.

To make it clear from the outset, we will make the difference between an online store and a marketplace. An ecommerce, e-commerce or online store is a website that only supports a single seller, the owner of the store. On the other hand, a marketplace integrates the products of several sellers, for example, one of the most famous: Amazon.
Oliva City Council MarketPlace developed by Moneder.

According to a report by the digital newspaper Muy Canal, “marketplaces have experienced in 2021 a growth rate of 25%, while e-commerce sales grew by 12%”. These data show that this trend, which began two years ago with the outbreak of the pandemic, continues.

For its part, a study by Tandem Up indicates that the secret of the success of marketplaces is the competitive price they offer and also the option of free shipping. These advantages are followed by the quality of the products, offers, promotions, and even the variety of proposals.

2022 | Web desenvolupada per Javajan, experts en disseny i programació de webs, apps i botigues online.
Llicenciada per Moneder, experts en la sostenibilitat del comerç local.