ACT Torelló

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ACT Torelló:

The Asociation was born in 1993 and is made up of more than 50 associated businesses that represent all the commercial areas of the town of Torelló. From the Montserrat neighborhood sector, passing through the old town, the municipal market and the area of Plaça Joanot Martorell until reaching the Island of Can Jaumira.

The fundamental objective of the ACT is to promote Torelló's business through different actions as well as being a support point for the different associated businesses that need guidance and advice for their business.

Torelló (Barcelona / Spain).
Apple Store App Link: ACT Torelló
Google play Store App Link: ACT Torelló

Contracted Moneder solutions:






2022 | Web desenvolupada per Javajan, experts en disseny i programació de webs, apps i botigues online.
Llicenciada per Moneder, experts en la sostenibilitat del comerç local.